Rotary Club of Sitiawan installation of 37th President Tien Cher Hong on 07.06.1997.
Behind L-R: Balachandran, Ching Neng Bin, Mike Khaw Eng Aun, Thong Sheng Bee, Dr Diong Ko Ing
Front: Tan Keng Hui, Ding Ming Hea, District Governor Beh Lye Huat, Pre.Tien Cher Hong, Dr Hoo Toun Ting, K.C.Hong
Rotary Club of Sitiawan installation of 37th President Tien Cher Hong on 07.06.1997. A song for DG.
Rotary Anns L-R: Joyce Diong, Pauline Toh, Suzanne Hoo, Julie Kong, Irene Lim Soo Eng, Catherine Oon, Cheang Poh Yoke and Shuko a student exchange from Japan.
Rotary Club of Sitiawan installation of 37th President Tien Cher Hong on 07.06.1997.
1997.08.01 - Dinner for DG visit to the Club.
L-R: Ong Chew Yet, Irene Lim Soo Eng, Suzanne Hoo, Catherine Oon, Ching Neng Bin.
1997.08.01 - Dinner for DG visit to the Club.
L-R: Irene Lim Soo Eng, Suzanne Hoo, Catherine Oon, Ching Neng Bin.
L-R: Tan Keng Hui, DG David Ho Kwong Choong and Ann, Ching Neng Bin and K.C.Hong standing behind.
1997.09.01 - Rotary Deepavali Festival Cheers - Rotarian present: Ramu, Ching Neng Bin, Dr Guru, K.C.Hong, Tan Keng Hui and Su Sein Thong.
1997.09.01 - Rotary Deepavali Festival Cheers - Rotarian present: Lim Kee Moon, Tien Cher Hong and Ching Neng Bin
4.1.1997 - Cosmic Cowboys singing at SCCS - Ching Neng Bin, Ching Bee Geok, Veeramohan and Tan Keng Hui.
The Senior Citizen Club Sitiawan was another project founded by Rotary Club of Sitiawan in 1996, has over 300 members aged between 55 and 83. Its first president from Rotary Club of Sitiawan, Dr Diong Ko Ing said the club was a perfect platform for senior citizens to interact and keep depression or senility at bay.
“The elderly tend to idle their time away at home, thinking they are no longer of use to society and their children or grandchildren are far away from them,” said Su Jee Hor the club secretary. He stressed that such thinking would only make them vulnerable to loneliness and depression while increasing one’s risk of diseases like Alzheimer’s. “It is vital for the mind to be occupied and engaged, which is why our club organises various activities to help our members spend their golden years joyfully,” he said.
4.1.1997 - Cosmic Cowboys singing at SCCS - Ching Neng Bin, Ching Bee Geok, Veeramohan and Tan Keng Hui
4.1.1997 - Cosmic Cowboys singing at SCCS - Ching Neng Bin and Tan Keng Hui
4.1.1997 - Ching Neng Bin and Catherine dancing at SCCS
4.1.1997 - Ching Neng Bin and Catherine dancing at SCCS
4.1.1997 - Ching Bee Geok dancing with Susy Hong at SCCS
1997.05.14 Joint Project Canada Fund Aid by the High Commission of Canada in Malaysia to Sekolah Semangat Maju.
Sekolah Semangat Maju Sitiawan was established on Mac 1990 by Perak Association For Intellectually Disabled as part of the awareness to help the intellectualy disabled people in the Manjung district. Sekolah Semangat Maju Sitiawan was started off with 9 students, a teacher and support staff in a double story house with 3 rooms.
In 1994, Sekolah Semangat Maju Sitiawan enrollment increase to 30 students and 3 teachers. Due to space limitation, they have shifted to another double story house with 5 rooms in 1995. As the school increase to 50 students, the management of Sekolah Semangat Maju Sitiawan have decided to lead by a principal. They manage to buy a school bus thanks to the donation by Canadia Foundation Fund and Hong Leong Foundation Fund in order to solve student's transportation problem.
1997.05.14 Joint Project Canada Fund Aid by the High Commission of Canada in Malaysia to Sekolah Semangat Maju. L-R: Goh Thin You, Tan Keng Hui, Su Sein Thong, Dr Diong Ko Ing, Mike Khaw Eng Aun, K.C.Hong

1997.05.14 Joint Project Canada Fund Aid by the High Commission of Canada in Malaysia to Sekolah Semangat Maju. L-R: Balachandran, Lim Kee Moon, Julie Kong, Tan Keng Hui, Ong Chew Yet, Su Sein Thong, Barnabas Lee Kun Chan, _?, Dr Diong Ko Ing

1997.05.14 Joint Project Canada Fund Aid by the High Commission of Canada in Malaysia to Sekolah Semangat Maju.

1997.05.14 Joint Project Canada Fund Aid by the High Commission of Canada in Malaysia to Sekolah Semangat Maju.

1997.05.14 Joint Project Canada Fund Aid by the High Commission of Canada in Malaysia to Sekolah Semangat Maju.

1997.05.14 Joint Project Canada Fund Aid by the High Commission of Canada in Malaysia to Sekolah Semangat Maju.

1997.05.14 Joint Project Canada Fund Aid by the High Commission of Canada in Malaysia to Sekolah Semangat Maju.
1997.05.14 Joint Project Canada Fund Aid by the High Commission of Canada in Malaysia to Sekolah Semangat Maju.
1997.05.14 Joint Project Canada Fund Aid by the High Commission of Canada in Malaysia to Sekolah Semangat Maju. The High Commission of Canada signing the school guest book while Su Sein Thong and Mike Khaw Eng Aun looked on.
1997.05.14 Joint Project Canada Fund Aid by the High Commission of Canada in Malaysia to Sekolah Semangat Maju. Balachandran and Mike Khaw Eng Aun standing beside the Canadian Navy Officers.

1997.05.14 Joint Project Canada Fund Aid by the High Commission of Canada in Malaysia to Sekolah Semangat Maju. L-R: Dr Diong Ko Ing, Su Sein Thong, Dr Ling Hee Huong, Goh Thin You

1997.05.14 Joint Project Canada Fund Aid by the High Commission of Canada in Malaysia to Sekolah Semangat Maju.

1997.05.14 Joint Project Canada Fund Aid by the High Commission of Canada in Malaysia to Sekolah Semangat Maju.
1997.05.14 Joint Project Canada Fund Aid by the High Commission of Canada in Malaysia to Sekolah Semangat Maju.

Tan Keng Hui's family visited Ching Neng Bin house in Kamunting in 1997.

Rotarian Tan Keng Hui, Ching Neng Bin and Val Allan met up with Mohanadas and Magendran the First Malaysian to reach the top of Mt. Everest on May 23, 1997.

1997.10.05 Rotary jungle trekking by Ong Chew Yet, Val Allan and Ching Neng Bin who found a large tortoise on the trek.

1997.10.05 Rotary jungle trekking by Ong Chew Yet, Val Allan and Ching Neng Bin who found a large tortoise on the trek.
1997.10.05 Rotary jungle trekking by Ong Chew Yet, Val Allan and Ching Neng Bin who found a large tortoise on the trek.

Ms Shuko a student exchange from Japan was with us visited a submarine in Royal Malaysian Navy Base Lumut.
Ms Shuko a student exchange from Japan was with us visited a submarine in Royal Malaysian Navy Base Lumut.

1997.10.15 - Rotarians visited Taiping waterfalls led by Ching Neng Bin.
1997.10.15 - Rotarians visited Taiping waterfalls led by Ching Neng Bin.

1997.12.31 Rotary Year End Party duly entertained by Ken n Pen Rotary Band.

1997.12.31 Rotary Year End Party duly entertained by Ken n Pen Band. Rotary Anns singing out loud.

1997.12.31 Year End Party duly entertained by Ken n Pen Rotary Band. L-R: Colin Hoo, Suzanne Hoo, Irene Lim Soo Eng and Catherine Oon.
1997 Show Rotary Cares - for your community, for our world, for its people
1. Balachandran P.C.
2. Barnabas Lee
3. Caroline Ling
4. Ching Neng Bin
5. Ding Ming Hea
6. Diong Ko Ing
7. Goh Thin You
8. Gurunathan V
9. Har Ming Ee
10. Hoo Tuan Ting
11. Khaw Eng Aun
12. Lau Youn Chong
13. Lawrence Tan
14. Lim Kee Moon
15. Ling Hee Huong
16. Ling Leong Chong
17. Ling Siaw Fuan
18. Loke Kok Kai
19. Mohd Syaiful
20. Moses Tay
21. Ngan Ching Jing
22. Ong Chew Yet
23. Penny Tsan
24. Ramu
25. Richard Yew
26. Saw Eng Thai
27. Soo Swee Lim
28. Tan Keng Hui
29. Thiruchandran
30. Thomas Hor
31. Val Allan
32. Yap Ah Kow
33. Yeak Lek Chong
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