PP Frankie Yap, I am very sorry as I don't have your installation photos to publish here. Maybe someone could furnish me later.

2003.01.08 Crime Awareness Campaign - The OCPD Manjung, Tun Hisan bin Dato Tun Hamzah gave a talk to all Rotarians, PPD, Pegawai Hal Ehwal Murid and the 4 Headmasters/Representatives on Wednesday 8th January 2003 at Crystal Hotel Sitiawan at 1pm (lunch meeting). Afterthe lunchmeeting the exhibitions and talks at their schools.

2003.01.08 Crime Awareness Campaign - The OCPD Manjung, Tun Hisan bin Dato Tun Hamzah gave a talk to all Rotarians, PPD, Pegawai Hal Ehwal Murid and the 4 Headmasters/Representatives on Wednesday 8th January 2003 at Crystal Hotel Sitiawan at 1pm (lunch meeting). Afterthe lunchmeeting the exhibitions and talks at their schools.

2003.01.08 Crime Awareness Campaign - Hong Chee Fong, Kit - Chang Ing Child, Amy
2003.01.11 Rotary Club Sitiawan Crime Prevention Project. Rotarans Adm.(rtd) Thiruchandran, Mike Khaw Eng Aun, Val Allan, P.C.Balachandran, Frankie Yap Ah Kow, Ling Leong Chnong, Mohd Syaifu bin Abdullah, Ramu, Loke Kok Kai, and Rtn Alistair
2003.01.11 Rotary Club Sitiawan Crime Prevention Project. (1) To create
crime prevention awareness in schools by giving talks and exhibitions in
the schools concerned. (2) To assist the Pegawai Perhubungan Sekolah
(Police) and the Schools' Disciplinary Teachers to work closely
together. (3) To activate the Schools' Crime Prevention Clubs.
2003.01.11 Rotary Club Sitiawan Crime Prevention Project. The opening of
the campaign was held at the Dewan Bestari, Education Dept. Sitiawan
from 830am. The key-note speaker was Dato' Noordin bin Alaudin the
Chairman of the Perak branch of Yayasan Pencegahan Jenayah. The other
speakers were Rotarian Adm.(rtd) Thiruchandran, Timbalan Pegawai Pendidikan Daerah
Manjung, Encik Mokhtar, the OCPD Tun Hisan and YB Kong Cho Ha.
2003.01.11 - Adm.(R) Thiruchandran gave a speech at Rotary Club Sitiawan Crime Prevention Project. Those who attended the opening ceremony were the headmasters' representatives, disciplinary committee members, disciplinary teachers and teacher advisors of the Crime Prevention clubs from all the 18 secondary schools in Manjung district; the 4 Police School Liaison officers, Insp. Amarthanlingam and Rotarians. The total number who attended the opening ceremony was about 60. These include President Thiruchandran, Mike Khaw Eng Aun, Val Allan, Bala, Frankie Yap, Ling Leong Chnong, Syaifu, Ramu, KK Loke and Alister.
2003.01.11 - YB Kong Cho Ha gave a speech at the Rotary Club Sitiawan Crime Prevention Project.
2003.01.11 - Dato' Noordin bin Alaudin gave a speech at the Rotary Club Sitiawan Crime Prevention Project.
2003.01.11 Rotary Club Sitiawan Crime Prevention Project.
2003.01.11 Rotary Club Sitiawan Crime Prevention Project.
2003.01.11 Rotary Club Sitiawan Crime Prevention Project.
2003.01.11 Rotary Club Sitiawan Crime Prevention Project.
2003.01.11 Rotary Club Sitiawan Crime Prevention Project.
2003.06.15 - Rotary Club Sitiawan BOD meeting at Ching Neng Bin's residence.
2003.06.15 - Rotary Club Sitiawan BOD meeting at Ching Neng Bin's residence.
2003.06.15 - Rotarian and Anns fellowship at Ching Neng Bin's residence.
2003.06.15 - Rotarian and Anns fellowship at Ching Neng Bin's residence.
2003.06.15 - Rotarian and Anns fellowship at Ching Neng Bin's residence.
2003.06.15 - Rotarian and Anns fellowship at Ching Neng Bin's residence.
2003.06.15 - Rotarian and Anns fellowship at Ching Neng Bin's residence.
2003.06.15 - Rotarian and Anns fellowship at Ching Neng Bin's residence.
2003.06.15 - Rotarian and Anns fellowship at Ching Neng Bin's residence.
2003.07.05 Interact 1-Day Institute Leadership Training Seminar - We
took 20 Interactors from ACS and Nam Hwa to attend the One-day Institute
organized by Rotary Club of Kinta in Ipoh. Our own 1-day Institute was
also successfully held on 5th July 2003.
2003.07.05 PC Bala gave a talk at Interact 1 Day Institute Leadership Training Seminar
2003.07.05 Interact 1-Day Institute Leadership Training Seminar - We took 20 Interactors from ACS and Nam Hwa to attend the One-day Institute organized by Rotary Club of Kinta in Ipoh. Our own 1-day Institute was also successfully held on 5th July 2003.
2003.07.05 Soo Swee Lim gave a talk at Interact 1 Day Institute Leadership Training Seminar
2003.07.05 Interact 1 Day Institute Leadership Training Seminar
2003.07.05 Interact 1 Day Institute Leadership Training Seminar
ACS Sitiawan Centenary Celebrations 1903-2003 dinner on 09.08.2003 entertained by Ken, Lim and Ching country band.
ACS Sitiawan Centenary Celebrations 1903-2003 dinner on 09.08.2003.
1903-2003 ACS Sitiawan Centenary Celebrations dinner entertained by Ken, Lim and Ching country band.

Rotary Club Sitiawan Immediate Cash Relief to Fire Victims - On 1st September 2003, a fierce fire broke out in Pundut, Lumut destroying 10 houses, making six families homeless. On 2nd September, the Board of Directors met for an emergency meeting and decided to provide immediate cash relief to the six affected families.

Rotary Club Sitiawan Immediate Cash Relief to Fire Victims - Our President Elect, Rotarian K.K. Loke contacted the Fire Relief Committee in Pundut to arrange for the disbursement of the fund. On 5th September, our Rotarians gathered in full force and President Yap Ah Kaw handed over the cash relief of RM300.00 to each of the affected six families.
This event coincided with the donations pouring in from other dignitaries as well. The former Pangkor State Assemblyman, Datuk S. Rajasegaran donated RM100.00 to each family. The Parliamentary Secretary to the National Unity and Social Development Ministry, Datuk S. Veerasingam was also there to give a personal donation of RM300.00 to each family.
Senior Citizens Club of Sitiawan committee members and two Rotary advisers Khaw Eng Aun and Ching Neng Bin. The Club was established by our Rotary Club in 1966 and for a great service to the senior citizens of our community. When previously, many would fade into loneliness, depression, despair, oblivion and even premature deaths, they now have a place where they can find new meaning and usefulness in lives, enjoying healthy activities in an environment of happiness and friendship. The Club now boasts to be one of the most popular and most active clubs in the Manjung District, with diverse activities ranging from Karaoke singing, ballroom dancing, Line dancing to Tai-Chi, exercise machines, table tennis, outdoor activities, language classes, Chinese Orchestra, home-crafts and tours.
Two Rotary Club Sitiawan Advisers for SCCS: Khaw Eng Aun and Ching Neng Bin

12.10.2003 Rotary Club Sitiawan Family Development Programme-‘Utamakan Keluarga Semakin Hari Semakin Sayang.
This programme, fully sponsored by Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara from Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita dan Keluarga, is jointly organized by Rotary Club of Metro and Rotary Club of Sitiawan. The project was held on Sunday 12th October 2003 at the Flamingo Hotel Sitiawan. It was a full day affair commencing from 8.30am to 4.30 pm. Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea were provided for all the participants.
The programme was a great success as it was attended by more than 120 participants even though on the day of the seminar it was raining from early morning till mid-day.
The Guest-of-Honour was the Member of Parliament for Lumut YB Kong Cho Ha, LPPKN was represented by Mr Goh Sign Chee. The speakers were Mr See Tean Seng who spoke on ‘Marriage and Responsibilities’ and Encik Mat Jaafar bin Mat Zain on ‘Management and Solutions of Conflict’.
The moderators were Mr Goh Sign Chee, Mr Robin Arumugam and Rotarian Ling Leong Chnong. The speakers and moderators were very knowledgeable and the response from the participants were overwhelming.

12.10.2003 Rotary Club Sitiawan Family Development Programme-‘Utamakan Keluarga Semakin Hari Semakin Sayang.
This programme, fully sponsored by Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara from Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita dan Keluarga, is jointly organized by Rotary Club of Metro and Rotary Club of Sitiawan. The project was held on Sunday 12th October 2003 at the Flamingo Hotel Sitiawan. It was a full day affair commencing from 8.30am to 4.30 pm. Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea were provided for all the participants.
Family of Rotary Inter-City Meet at Hadyai - On 30th August to 1st September 2003, twenty six Rotarians and families participated in this District event. It was attended by more than thirty Rotary Clubs from Thailand and Malaysia in Hadyai. It was also a time for Rotary Club of Sitiawan to renew ties with our sister club, the Rotary Club of Kohong. At the function, RC Kohong requested for a joint project with them to build a Velodrome in Hadyai. We agreed to do our part through a small contribution. Before we departed for home on 1st September, RC Kohong threw a buffet lunch for us. It was a day to remember indeed!
Family of Rotary Intercity Meeting and Fellowship Night organised by Rotary Club of Hatyai.
Family of Rotary Intercity Meeting and Fellowship Night organised by Rotary Club of Hatyai.
Family of Rotary Intercity Meeting and Fellowship Night in Hatyai - Dr Diong Ko Ing, Joycelyn Tan, Julie Kong, Lee Kim Bee, Frankie Yap Ah Kow and Khaw Eng Aun.
Saw Eng Thai and Ding Siew Ching at Family of Rotary Intercity Meeting and Fellowship Night Hatyai.
Family of Rotary Intercity Meeting and Fellowship Night organised by Rotary Club of Hatyai.
Ramu and Devi at Family of Rotary Intercity Meeting and Fellowship Night Hatyai.
Family of Rotary Intercity Meeting and Fellowship Night organised by Rotary Club of Hatyai.
Family of Rotary Intercity Meeting and Fellowship Night organised by Rotary Club of Hatyai.
Family of Rotary Intercity Meeting and Fellowship Night organised by Rotary Club of Hatyai.
Khaw Eng Aun and Julie Kong at Family of Rotary Intercity Meeting and Fellowship Night in Hatyai.
Dr Diong Ko Ing and Joycelyn at Family of Rotary Intercity Meeting and Fellowship Night in Hatyai.
Rotarians signing in at Family of Rotary Intercity Meeting and Fellowship Night in Hatyai.
Rotarians at Rotary Intercity Meeting and Fellowship Night in Hatyai.
Rotarians at Family of Rotary Intercity Meeting and Fellowship Night in Hatyai.
Rotarians at Family of Rotary Intercity Meeting and Fellowship Night in Hatyai.
Rotarians at Family of Rotary Intercity Meeting and Fellowship Night in Hatyai.
Rotarians at Family of Rotary Intercity Meeting and Fellowship Night in Hatyai.
Family of Rotary Inter-City Meet at Hadyai - On 30th August to 1st September 2003, twenty six Rotarians and families participated in this District event. It was attended by more than thirty Rotary Clubs from Thailand and Malaysia in Hadyai. It was also a time for Rotary Club of Sitiawan to renew ties with our sister club, the Rotary Club of Kohong. At the function, RC Kohong requested for a joint project with them to build a Velodrome in Hadyai. We agreed to do our part through a small contribution. Before we departed for home on 1st September, RC Kohong threw a buffet lunch for us. It was a day to remember indeed!
Rotary families at Family of Rotary Intercity Meeting and Fellowship Night in Hatyai.
Rotary families at Family of Rotary Intercity Meeting and Fellowship Night in Hatyai.
Rotary families at Family of Rotary Intercity Meeting and Fellowship Night in Hatyai.
Ong Chew Yet and Irene Lim at Family of Rotary Intercity Meeting and Fellowship Night in Hatyai.
Dr TT Hoo and Suzanne Tan at Family of Rotary Intercity Meeting and Fellowship Night in Hatyai.
Khaw Eng Aun and Julie Kong at Family of Rotary Intercity Meeting and Fellowship Night in Hatyai.
Loke Kok Kai and Lim Lai Yan at Family of Rotary Intercity Meeting and Fellowship Night in Hatyai.
Dr Diong Ko Ing and Joycelyn at Family of Rotary Intercity Meeting and Fellowship Night in Hatyai.
Frankie Yap and Lee Kim Bee at Family of Rotary Intercity Meeting and Fellowship Night in Hatyai.
Har Ming Ee and Yeh Peak Gut at Family of Rotary Intercity Meeting and Fellowship Night in Hatyai.
2003 Show time at Rotary Intercity Meeting and Fellowship Night organised by Rotary Club of Hatyai.
2003 Show time at Rotary Intercity Meeting and Fellowship Night organised by Rotary Club of Hatyai.
2003 Show time at Rotary Intercity Meeting and Fellowship Night organised by Rotary Club of Hatyai.
2003 Show time at Rotary Intercity Meeting and Fellowship Night organised by Rotary Club of Hatyai.
2003 Show time at Rotary Intercity Meeting and Fellowship Night organised by Rotary Club of Hatyai.
2003 Show time at Rotary Intercity Meeting and Fellowship Night organised by Rotary Club of Hatyai.
2003 Show time at Rotary Intercity Meeting and Fellowship Night organised by Rotary Club of Hatyai.
The view of Hatyai city from our hotel. Family of Rotary Intercity Meeting and Fellowship Night Hatyai 2003.
Har Ming Ee and Yeh Peak Gut - Before we departed for home on 1st Sep.2003, RC Kohong threw a buffet lunch for us.
Ramu and Devi - Before we departed for home on 1st Sep.2003, RC Kohong threw a buffet lunch for us.
Ramu and Devi - Before we departed for home on 1st Sep.2003, RC Kohong threw a buffet lunch for us.
Before we departed for home on 1st September 2003, RC Kohong threw a buffet lunch for us.
Before we departed for home on 1st September 2003, RC Kohong threw a buffet lunch for us.
Before we departed for home on 1st September 2003, RC Kohong threw a buffet lunch for us.
2003 Family of Rotary Intercity Meet bid farewell on the next day lunch hosted by RC Kohong.
2003 Family of Rotary Intercity Meet bid farewell on the next day lunch hosted by RC Kohong.
2003 Family of Rotary Intercity Meet bid farewell on the next day lunch hosted by RC Kohong.
2003 Family of Rotary Intercity Meeting and Fellowship Night organised by Rotary Club of Hatyai.
2003 Family of Rotary Intercity Meet bid farewell. Adios amigos!
Internet Gateway - This is a Centennial Project. Eight Internet stations were installed at the Sitiawan Library to provide broadband internet access to the public, particularly to the under-privileged children who need pay only 50 sen an hour to gain access to knowledge. This project was launched with the training of Interactors who will assist the public and the school children on the usage of the computers. This project cost about RM 19,000.00.
This is a worthwhile project because it caters to all the needs of those in the community who are computer illiterates. Besides, it also provides the poor students the opportunity to gain access to the world of knowledge by paying a meagre fee. In addition, it is a long term-project.
2003 Julie Kong's birthday celebrated with family members at home.
2003 Julie Kong's birthday celebrated with family members at home.
2003 Julie Kong's birthday celebrated with family members at home.
2003 Julie Kong's birthday celebrated with family members at home.
2003 Julie Kong's birthday celebrated with family members at home.
2003.12.20 Mike Khaw's class-mates reunion at Syuen Hotel Ipoh.
2003.12.31 - A special Rotary New Year Party was held at Rtn.Loke Kok Kai's residence.
2003.12.31 - A special Rotary New Year Party was held at Rtn.Loke Kok Kai's residence.
2003.12.31 - A special Rotary New Year Party was held at Rtn.Loke Kok Kai's residence.
2003.12.31 - A special Rotary New Year Party was held at Rtn.Loke Kok Kai's residence.
2003.12.31 - A special Rotary New Year Party was held at Rtn.Loke Kok Kai's residence.
2003.12.31 - A special Rotary New Year Party was held at Rtn.Loke Kok Kai's residence.
2003.12.31 - A special Rotary New Year Party was held at Rtn.Loke Kok Kai's residence.
2003.12.31 - A special Rotary New Year Party was held at Rtn.Loke Kok Kai's residence.
2003.12.31 - A special Rotary New Year Party was held at Rtn.Loke Kok Kai's residence.
2003.12.31 - A special Rotary New Year Party was held at Rtn.Loke Kok Kai's residence.
2003.12.31 - A special Rotary New Year Party was held at Rtn.Loke Kok Kai's residence.
2003.12.31 - A special Rotary New Year Party was held at Rtn.Loke Kok Kai's residence.
2003.12.31 - A special Rotary New Year Party was held at Rtn.Loke Kok Kai's residence.
2003.12.31 - A special Rotary New Year Party was held at Rtn.Loke Kok Kai's residence.
2003.12.31 - A special Rotary New Year Party was held at Rtn.Loke Kok Kai's residence.
2003.12.31 - Dr Yeak Lek Chong and family at New Year Party held at Rtn.Loke Kok Kai's residence.
2003.12.31 - A special Rotary New Year Party was held at Rtn.Loke Kok Kai's residence.
2003.12.31 - A special Rotary New Year Party was held at Rtn.Loke Kok Kai's residence.
2003.12.31 - A special Rotary New Year Party was held at Rtn.Loke Kok Kai's residence.
2003.12.31 - A special Rotary New Year Party was held at Rtn.Loke Kok Kai's residence.
2003.12.31 - Ong Chew Yet, Mohd Syaifu, Pauline Toh, Dr Diong Ko Ing at New Year Party held at Loke Kok Kai's residence.
2003.12.31 - Dr Ling Hee Huong and Alistair at New Year Party held at Rtn.Loke Kok Kai's residence.
2003.12.31 - Happiness is Val Allan holding a bottle at New Year Party held at Rtn.Loke Kok Kai's residence.
2003.12.31 - Karaoke session at a special New Year Party held at Rtn.Loke Kok Kai's residence.
2003.12.31 - Karaoke session at a special New Year Party held at Rtn.Loke Kok Kai's residence.

Two Rotary Advisers to SCCS: Khaw Eng Aun and Ching Neng Bin
Frankie Yap's Projects 2003-2004 video below:
Members of the Rotary Club of Sitiawan in 2003
- Adm. (rtd) Thiruchandran
- Barnabas Lee Kun Chan
- Caroline Ling
- Ching Neng Bin
- Ding Ming Hea
- Dr Diong Ko Ing
- Dr Hoo Tuon Ting
- Dr James Ding Sing Tong
- Dr Ling Hee Huong
- Dr V Gurunathan
- Dr Yeak Lek Chong
- Goh Thin You
- Har Ming Ee
- Hong Kok Cheong
- Jeffri Thing Shang Chong
- Khaw Eng Aun
- Lau Youn Chong
- Lawrence Tan Cheng Eow
- Lim Kee Moon
- Ling Sing Ting
- Loke Kok Kai
- Mohd Syaifu bin Abdullah
- Moses Tay Moh Sey
- Ngan Ching Jing
- Ong Chew Yet
- P.C.Balachandran
- Saw Eng Thai
- Sharir bin Razali
- Soo Swee Lim
- Tan Kee Keat
- Tan Keng Hui
- Thomas Hor Choon Aun
- Tien Cher Hong
- Val Allan
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